Knowledgeable Guidance For Your Child Support Needs
The courts in Delaware expect that all parents will help support the basic needs of their children. This generally means that a noncustodial parent will pay child support to the custodial parent. While the idea of giving an ex-spouse money can be frustrating, it is a crucial component of providing for children when they spend more time living with one parent.
At the law office of John A. Macconi, Jr. LLC, we are passionate about protecting the best interests of our clients and their children. We understand the regulations governing child support payments and will use our experience and knowledge to protect your rights. Whether you are going to receive or pay support, our Delaware family law attorney based in Wilmington will take the time to understand your unique circumstances and guide you through each step of the process.
How Child Support Is Determined
Delaware uses the Melson formula to determine child support. There are three primary principals guiding this model:
- Each parent will retain enough of their income to cover their necessities
- The basic needs of the child are provided for before the parents can keep more income
- Any income beyond the amount needed to provide for the parent and child’s basic needs will be shared with the child through child support
The parent’s net available income will be the primary basis for calculating support. The courts will calculate taxes, allowable deductions such as medical insurance and a self-support allowance to determine the net available income.
Understand Your Rights With The Support Of A Skilled Attorney
Using the Melson model can be complicated. Whether you are seeking support or will be paying it, our experienced family law attorney can guide you through the process to ensure everything is done correctly. When there is a breach of a child support agreement, we can help you take the steps necessary to enforce those orders and receive proper payments.
Contact our Wilmington office today to discuss your options regarding child support by calling 302-660-0892 or by emailing us. We will take the time to help you understand your options as we guide you through the process.