With many types of car accident injuries, the symptoms are just short-term. You could suffer from bruises, cuts or even broken bones. But all these things can heal given proper time and treatment.
As a result, when you are seeking compensation for your damages, you are likely focused on the short-term costs. These could include the immediate medical care you received or time that you missed at work because you were getting treatment.
If you suffer from a traumatic brain injury, however, it could lead to long-term symptoms, which means that you need to think about your long-term compensation needs before accepting any settlement.
Why do symptoms persist?
Brain injury symptoms depend on the part of the brain that is injured and the severity of that injury. Some people have cognitive symptoms like difficulty speaking or remembering events. Others have physical symptoms, such as a loss of mobility on one side of the body. Traumatic brain injuries can even lead to personality changes. Every injury is unique.
The reason that these injuries are often long-term is that the brain can’t always heal like other parts of your body. It often lacks the ability to create the neurons that are necessary for this level of healing. Other organs, like your skin, can generate new cells as they heal. Since the brain can’t do so, some symptoms may last for the rest of your life, and complete healing could be impossible.
If you find yourself in this position due to someone else’s negligence, be sure you know how to seek financial compensation for all of your long-term costs.